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"Since my child started at this school, I have seen how she has grown and developed really good skills. I commend all the teachers in the school as they are compassionate, caring, motivating and very organised. I couldn't ask for a better school”

A parent and daughter

 Sudell Parent

Why choose Sudell?

Sudell Primary School is led by a team of committed professionals who deliver innovative and exciting learning for your children.


Our curriculum is designed to engage young minds, enabling our pupils to be motivated and enthusiastic learners, who have high expectations of themselves and are empowered to be the best that they can be..

Ofsted Good Logo
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A child wrtiing on a whiteboard

What you need to know

To apply for a place at the school, please visit the school admissions page of the Blackburn and Darwen Council which is linked in our 'How to apply' section below. 


School Tours: Anytime (call to arrange)


Application Deadline: 15th January 2024


Confirmation Date: 16th April 2024

How to apply

It probably feels like only a moment ago that your little one was a baby, taking their first steps and saying their first words. And now, you're choosing a school for them. Where does the time go?!


The process of applying for a school place for your child can feel a bit daunting and overwhelming - but don't worry, we're here to help. Admissions to all Primary schools are dealt with by the local council. So if you're ready to apply for a place at Sudell Primary School, click the big blue button below to be directed to their website. From there, you'll need to register and fill in a form. School places will be confirmed on 16th April 2024.


If you need help, or just want a informal chat about your little one starting primary school, then do get it touch - you can use the form below to pop us a message!

A child leaning out of a laced curtain wigwam, and smiling at the viewer.

We would love to talk!

Thank you for reaching out!

Further admissions information

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