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English Curriculum

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English Subject Leader


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Mr Arrandale

English Subject Leader


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  • Introduction
    At Sudell Primary School our curriculum approach is underpinned by three key drivers that inform everything we do and all of our planning. These three drivers help us to fulfil our aim of offering our wonderful children a truly world class education. Our three curriculum drivers are designed to ensure that we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is rich in: Knowledge Experience Social Conscience Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. Our pupils are offered a very wide range of experiences to extend their understanding of themselves and the world in which they live. Skills, attitudes and values are developed to prepare the children for the next stage of learning (Key Stage 1 and 2 ready and secondary ready), and enable them to be successful in the community. We believe that effective learning takes place when there is considerable emphasis on active involvement, opportunities to talk both imaginatively, expressively and to explain and clarify thinking. The school expects everyone to develop and show a sense of responsibility and self-discipline whether alone, together, at work or at play, and to support policies on equal opportunities. We actively promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs to prepare our pupils for life in modern day Britain. We also provide opportunities for our pupils to learn about the contribution of Britons to innovation, excellence and changes in the world. At Sudell Primary School we believe that through clear, discrete subject specific teaching we can develop a clear knowledge rich curriculum that will benefit our learners, a majority of whom are from ‘disadvantaged’ families. Through combining this with our aims of making our curriculum rich in experience and social conscience we believe that we can fulfill our curriculum aims/ ‘big intent’. Our children deserve the very best; we believe our curriculum offers them this.
  • Curriculum Flowchart
    Our curriculum flow charts map out the Sudell approach to delivering a curriculum embedded with experience, knowledge and social conscience. This approach is replicated for every subject within our curriculum. Click here to view the Curriculum Flowchart
  • National Curriculum
    The National Curriculum guidance is always our starting point when planning our curriculum. This guidance from the Department of Education sets out clear aims and course content for each subject. We ensure we cover each aspect of this, then apply it to our own Curriculum approach. Click here to view the National Curriculum
  • Curriculum Maps
    Throughout our curriculum we believe in a subject specific teaching approach. The exact units to be taught are identified on our subject curriculum maps. One curriculum map is a basic outline. The other is a more in-depth curriculum map with the National Curriculum objectives matched against each topic. Our curriculum maps ensure there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills underpinning the learning experiences of the children. Click here to view the Basic Curriculum Map Click here to view the National Curriculum Map
  • Our Core Key Skills
    For each subject, we have identified a set of Core Key Skills. These are the skills which underpin the children’s learning across the curriculum and enable them to progress and deepen their learning each year. They show a clear progression in skills within each curriculum area and act as the building blocks for success. Click here to view our Core Key Skills
  • Aims and High Dividend Concepts
    Our subject leader has not only identified the key aims for their subject, but also outlined what the High Dividend Concepts are for their subject. High Dividend concepts are the key concept/ideas that are threaded throughout out curriculum, regardless of year group and topic being topic. The High Dividend Concept map outlines exactly where these concepts will be taught and explored in further detail. Click here to view Aims and High Dividend Concepts Click here to view the High Dividend Concept Mapping
  • Example Planning
    Our teachers break each curriculum unit down into two key planning documents-the unit summary plan and a Knowledge Organiser. These key documents ensure there is a clear progression throughout the unit, with a secure understanding of what knowledge and skills are required at every stage of the children’s learning journey. Click to view the Year 5 Wildlife Plan
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