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As a member of the Aldridge Education family of schools our Local Governing Committee is part of the overall governance structure of the multi-academy trust. You can see details of the Trust's governance here.


Details of the Trust's policies that the school and our Local Governing Committee follow can be found here.


As a member of the Aldridge Education family of schools, our Local Governing Committee is part of the overall governance structure of the multi-academy trust.  Please see the Aldridge Education website for further information on Governing Policies and Accountability.

Chair of Governors - Pending

The Chair can be contacted by email using



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Vice Chair - Pending
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Governors - Georgina Boyer 
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STAFF Governor - Jayne Hornby

I am proud to be the staff governor at our fantastic school.  It has been a privilege to work at Sudell since 2016, but I have worked in education for over 28 years.  Throughout my career in education, I have been determined to ensure that all children have the best possible experiences.


This is why I am a firm believer in the three key drivers of the Sudell curriculum, ensuring that our curriculum is rich in knowledge, experience and social conscience.  In my role as staff governor, I am looking forward to using my experience to support the leadership team at Sudell in continuing to develop into an outstanding school. 

Trust Governor - Mubaaruk Ibrahim

Mubaaruck Ibrahim joined the Trust as our first Chief Growth Officer in September 2021.


Prior to joining Aldridge Mubaaruck was CEO of Feversham Education Trust and is a former Executive Principal at Star Academies. He was named Lancashire Headteacher of the Year in 2017 and was shortlisted for the TES Headteacher of the Year Award in the same year. He is a National Leader of Education who brings considerable experience and expertise to our school.

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Trust Governor - Tracy Moynihan


I am a qualified Finance professional, providing both financial and strategic support to the boards of the companies that I have worked for. I am currently supporting with the transformation of a Social Housing Association, and previously worked for a local Apprenticeship Provider which helped me to identify and focus on my ability to help and support young people in our community.  I have a wide network of business contacts that I am looking forwards to introducing to Sudell to add further enrichment to the children's learning experiences. 


I spent several years as Beaver leader at Highfield in Darwen which was a fabulous experience supporting and teaching our young people in a more informal manner, but when the opportunity arose to offer my professional support to Sudell I felt that this was a better use of my knowledge and skillset. I became a Governor in Spring 2023, and am looking forward to seeing how I can help and support the team at Sudell in providing a safe and nurturing environment for our young people to grow and learn.

Parent Governor - Melody Fitzjohn

I joined Darwen Aldridge Sudell Primary (DASP) as a Parent Governor in February 2022. I am currently employed by Darwen Aldridge Community Academy (DACA) and I have two children who attend both DASP and DACA. 


Prior to my employment with DACA, my specialist area was in Early Years and I worked within Nurseries and Pre-Schools for nine years. During my time in Early Years, I worked with children who had additional needs and SEN, children in care and children under external agencies. My role was to work alongside Primary Schools in the area to transition these children into mainstream school and to deliver workshops to the staff members involved with the children.  I also delivered Intervention sessions within the setting which consisted of Speech and Language, Makaton, British Sign Language, Art and Creativity Therapy and working with EAL children to develop their English skills. 


I have been privileged to work alongside some amazing children and adults, some of whom I still see to this day. I hope this may continue with my work at DACA and DASP.

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Parent Governor - Georgie Clark

I have been a parent governor for Darwen Aldridge Sudell Primary since February 2023 and I have one child who attends the school.


I have a BA(Hons) Fashion and Costume degree, but I am currently studying for my Primary PGCE with QTS degree. Prior to this, I worked within early years and customer-centred job roles. 

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Principal - Jenna Harty

Jenna was appointed as Principal of Sudell Primary School in April 2023, joining from another Darwen Primary School, where she held the role of Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo for 13 years.


Jenna is an experienced primary practitioner and senior leader, with a passion for Early Years. Jenna graduated from Lancaster University, gaining a BA (Hons) in Physical Education with Qualified Teacher Status in 2006. Since then, Jenna has gone on to study a Post Graduate Certificate in Education gaining her SENDCo Award from Edgehill University in 2016. Jenna is delighted to be taking up her first post as a Principal and excited to lead Sudell on the next stage of their journey.

Trust Governor - Rob Daniels

I have worked for the Trust since June 2019 and I work across the 5 Northern Schools as Regional Estates Manager. I have responsibility for the all the school buildings, utilities, projects as well as Health and Safety.


I am currently serving as a Parent Governor at my children's Primary School in Bury. 


Sudell Primary School

Ellison Fold Terrace





01254 703440


Clerk to the Governors - Stephanie Williams


Sudell Governing body structure & remit

The Board of Governors keeps a strategic overview of all of the above.  As in all schools, Sudell’s Board of Governors has a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the school
and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
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