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Eco Report February 2024

Being an official Eco-School, every year the Eco Committee have to complete an environmental review and then put together an action plan. As a whole school, we work through the Ten Topics throughout the year, but we also have to choose three Eco Topics to focus on in our action plan. This year's topics are Biodiversity, Marine and Global Citizenship.   

Our Biodiversity plans for Spring include replanting the wooden planters around school, remodelling the Ramp Garden in the KS2 playground, and hopefully planting a small wildflower patch on the grassed area down the front of the school. In the meantime, children regularly go out with Mrs Ryder to feed the birds, and a group of KS2 children recently took part in RSPB's Big Schools' Bird Watch. They were very pleased to see quite a few birds in the school grounds this year, including a tiny wren!

For the Marine Topic we have started our second ocean themed art work to be made from plastic bottle tops. This has been set up in the library and Mr Arrandale has been getting the sea-turtle design ready so that every child will have an opportunity to take part in glueing on the bottle tops. 

The project for Global Citizenship is to recycle and paint glass jars to create tealight candle lanterns which will be sold to raise awareness and funds for charity. During Warrior Wednesdays and Crafting Thursdays in the Eco Club, groups of children are busily getting creative; first they work on their designs and then they start the painting process - quite a few have discovered that painting on round glass jars is not as easy as it looks but they have been very determined to create some beautiful lanterns!


Sudell News

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